Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wedding Favors and the Economy

That the global economy is in a tailspin is no secret. Neither is the fact that we have to continue living and partaking in our normal activities. But how do we go about them if we do are not able to swim against the financial tide? The answer lies in being modest but classy at the same time. This is more so relevant if your worry is your upcoming wedding and you have wedding favors to give. Wedding favors are a timeless tradition borrowed from 16th century Europe. The nobility and aristocracy of ancient Christendom had gifts presented to guests attending their reception parties after their wedding ceremonies.

In line with this culturally rich tradition, it has become an integral part of our wedding rituals even though we might not be aware of this tradition. Therefore you have no way of avoiding wedding favors whether there is an economic crunch or not. The most important thing in wedding planning is budgeting. And in your budgeting you have to incorporate all the aspects of the ceremony which includes wedding favors. According to your financial projections, just make sure you apportion enough wedding favor gifts depending on the number of guests you plan on inviting. But do not overstretch your financial muscle. Make do with what you have but make it memorable.