Think about your movie or music collection for example. Most people have titles that they have not watched or listened to in a long time. These items can mean cash or store credit for you while representing a bargain to the consumer who re-purchases them. The book you have read and enjoyed can bring cash to you and delight to another reader. It's an environmentally friendly way to get cash for the holidays while recycling your entertainment products.
Most gamers are done playing a game once they have conquered it or they may have upgraded to a newer version of a favorite game. The choice is to let the old title collect dust on a shelf somewhere or to turn it in for store credit or cash toward a new game.
These items can't be re-sold at every store. Certainly your big discount merchant will not take the box of used CDs, DVDs, books and games off your hands. They are focused entirely on selling new product at new product prices. Entertainment specialty stores, however, are a great source for buying and selling used products. They will give you cash or store credit for your products and while you are there you may even find a used copy of a book or movie that you have been wanting at a fraction of the cost of new. It is a winning proposition for both you and the store. This is one of the major advantages the entertainment specialty retailers have over their big box competitors. Aside from much bigger selection, you can save big by shopping the used racks at these stores and they allow you to recycle your old product for cash.
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