Thursday, February 24, 2011

Michigan Tours: Knowing The Gardens and Castles of the New World

No one can deny the historical significance of Michigan. It is one of the few states where you can still see the influence of French and British culture in its architecture as seen in the castles and in its landscaping art as seen in the gardens. With beauty of Michigan, you don’t have to go to Europe to see castles and gardens. Besides, when American was founded more than two hundred years ago, many of the brilliant castle builders and garden landscape artists settled in the United States. Without their work and effort, Michigan tours would be impossible. However, the lure of the United States was so strong at that time. News was spreading in Europe about a land filled with opportunities and where individual rights are highly respected. The castle builders who are paid with little money sailed to the United States to work for the plantation owners. Their brilliant minds helped create the best castles in the United States including the small ones used in modern-day weddings and the huge ones like the Vanderbilt castles. The landscape artists, who are slowly being sacrificed in Europe, also sailed to the United States wherein they met and dealt with people like traders or value for value.

For modern Americans like us, we often forget why the brilliant minds of Europe moved to the United States some 200 years ago. Aside from their descendants, their numerous works are present nowadays for us to enjoy and to appreciate. Michigan tours will help you understand the wonders of this country and the reason why the United States is beautiful. Travelers will soon understand that the castles and gardens are the workings of the minds of the artists.

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