Monday, January 28, 2008

A Romantic Wedding

There are many different themes and atmospheres that you may choose to present at a wedding. Ideas range from beach themed weddings to seasonal weddings to some slightly more outlandish idea such as science fiction themed weddings. No matter the theme, however, the underlying atmosphere is always of love and romance. For this reason, it is often appropriate to give your wedding guests a favor that related to a romantic theme.

One of the goals of a romantic wedding favor is to invoke the feeling of love whenever your guests look at the wedding favor. A simple wedding favor such as a silver picture frame with the word love inscribed on it can be a wonderfully romantic wedding favor. Your guests can then choose to include a picture of the bride and groom in the picture frame or maybe even themselves if they are a couple. No matter the use of the picture frame, your guests will be sure to look fondly on the day of your wedding whenever they are reminded of it by your wedding favor.

Another great, romantic, wedding favor idea is to give your guests coasters. This may not seem very romantic at first, however, you can have the coasters designed to convey whatever message you desire. For example, you could give your guests coasters that are shaped like hearts as a symbol of love. You could also give your guests coasters that have a picture of the bride and groom on them and their names as well as the date of the wedding, this way your guests will always be reminded of the wedding. Note that this is a very practical wedding favor but there are many different variations that you can choose. You can even get special coasters that are made for wine glasses, which can look very elegant.

You could also consider giving your guests a book as a wedding favor. This may not seem very romantic as books are generally seen as practical wedding favors, however, the type of book can greatly influence this. For example, you could give your guests a book of love poems, or quotations that are romance related. Also, if the bride and groom have some particular romance novel that they are both fond of then that would make for a great wedding favor. If both the bride and groom were particularly artistic then they could both write a few poems for one another and have them printed in little booklet, this could then be given to your wedding guests.

The last idea for a romantic wedding favor is to give your guests a compilation CD of various love songs that the bride and groom have picked out. This can be a lot of fun for the bride and groom as they get to sit down together and listen to a number of songs and choose their favourites. You could then have special CD covers created that are relevant to the wedding, for example a picture of the bride and groom. If the bride and groom are comfortable with these sorts of things then this can be a very quick and easy (and inexpensive) idea as the bride and groom can make these CDs themselves. Although, for not much money, the couple could have someone else create a professional version and get them printed up in a really nice way. There are even online services that do this that can allow you to create CDs for as little as a few dollars each.


Jan1111 said...

A very informative posting. A way to carry the idea of a giving away a CD full of romantic music further is to make sure the label of the CD has a romantic theme as well. I have done similar projects in the past using a Dymo DiscPainter disc printer. It could be easily used to print a photo of a wedding along with a text description directly on a CD. Such a gift would certainly be a hit.

Dede said...

I love my dymo great for the work i do and so fast and easy to use...i love that i can use my own pictures as a cover and the quality is amazing

Dede said...

I love my dymo printer...its great for my work and i can use my own pictures as the cd covers...its so fast and easy and the quality is amazing