Friday, February 11, 2011

Football helmet cookie cutter a great idea for the team

I could not think of what I would be baking for the football team, as I am a manager for the team and this party for the new members, I was asked to help in the food preparations, and the coach actually asked me if I could do something different this time. I thought about this request and spent almost a whole day looking for what I can provide this time. But the I suddenly saw this football helmet cookie cutter to try it out first. As soon as I was successful in baking one, I called the coach over to make him see my baked goods, and he really liked it. He said this could also be a part of the promotional giveaways during the start of the school to help attract members, and I was glad he was able to see it in such a light. So with that, I started baking some real good cookies and I was able to help the party for the new members of the team too with these good looking football shaped cookies. Who would have thought such an item will have a big impact in my life, but it actually did and now everyone is happy.

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