Sunday, February 26, 2012

Remodels for Anyone

Have you been considering a major interior remodel at your current residence in the next year? If you have, you know that this is no small undertaking. Between the costs of labor, materials and permits, even very simple remodels can wind up costing thousands of dollars. In these troubled economic times, that makes, even very simple remodels, far out of the reach of most average families. So what’s the alternative?

Actually, if you’re handy with a sewing machine, or are willing to part with a few hundred bucks, you can drastically alter the look of almost any room by changing up the drapes and curtains. That’s because most of our eyes are naturally drawn to windows because they are, obviously, sources of natural light. As a result, the window is focal point of almost any room. A set of new curtains can be had for less than $200 and make you feel like you’ve stepped into t a new house entirely.

Adding a new window to an existing home is a great way of increasing natural light, but it’s one of the more complicated remodels you’ll run into. As an alternative, consider replacing your old, heavy window curtains with light filtering sheer curtains.

Simple fixes like this make a big difference overall.

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