Friday, January 28, 2011

Amazing baby videos in

My friend who worked in a daycare center came by one time in our house to visit while I was taking care of my 3 year old, and since I was alone at home, I found it

hard to juggle taking care of the kid while doing some household chores, so my friend volunteered to baby sit while she was there and I left them to cook something for

our meal. And they were all so quiet while I was cooking that It made me wonder what they were doing, so I checked them out and I was amazed to see my son watching

some toddler video that sure got his attention. She told me it was a site specializing in Toddlers TV and it was called, and it was the first such site and it was really a very useful tool they use

even in the daycare center to help kids there in their education, and at the same time, help keep them preoccupied too instead of making a mess of things. And it was

really so cool to see such stuff that I asked my friend to bookmark the page and send it over to my email so I can subscribe easily next time I am online and have a go

at it.

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