Thursday, January 6, 2011

Winner of the £200 B& Q Gift Card

I wish to convey my heartfelt thanks to all of you at for selecting me as the winner of the £200 B&Q Gift Card. Ever since I was a young lad, I’ve been doing DIY stuff around my house and over the years my friends and members of my own family request me to come and renovate or repair portions of their homes as well. B&Q is the single-stop-shop for all my DIY needs and I always have a long shopping list when I go there.

I found this promotions on the web and it’s fast, easy and reliable. I work at a joinery, during the week and I’m putting up the name of your site on my office notice board for other people to see and make good use of. Much appreciate your handy prize and I’m off to my nearest B&Q to check out some tools I’ve been eyeing longing for a while now. Just would also like to mention that your staff membe , who called me to tell me I had won, was very friendly and polite.

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